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FDPartner - Moving Food

Moving Food has a successful track record in launching new products into major retail multiples within the UK and Europe. They focus on innovation in food technology, helping SME’s and foodies - the “idea creators” - get to market.

Founded by Stephen Minall in 2004, Moving Food is unique in that it can ‘speak’ for both Retail and Catering. The team have worked extensively for many years in both sectors.

MFL advises and consults in all areas of food production. Whether it be new start-up innovation or adjustments in products or packaging, they can identify opportunities in sectors such as grab-n-go and ambient longer shelf life FMCG ranges. Moving Food can also takes the strain out of finding sources for production or alternative packaging services, as well as getting you access to all-important buyers.

International Support

MFL have been particularly successful in launching international brands into the UK market - specifically working with producers to not only adjust their product to maximise local appeal - but also to identify and develop key routes to market. One such example is with Canadian producer, Wowbutter. This no-nut peanut butter is now listed and sold in Holland & Barrett, Amazon, and Tescos.

As experts in their field, the team are regularly called upon to write for trade journals, present at Retail Consortiums in UK and Europe and been seen on BBC Business News as leading experts in food related stories. They also judge in the Food Service Awards, The Cateys and The Quality Food Awards.


“Moving Food have added great value to the creation and their advisory role re our members new sandwich ranges, which can represent a sound 50% margin. This range created by Moving Food will to go from strength to strength” - Nick Slater, Nisa / Chill Senior Controller

“Moving Food have been a great partner in our growth in the UK & EU, with both the retail jars and the work on promoting our 10L tubes into manufacturing, creating protein bars, Wowbutter Ice cream and a range of nut free cheese cakes ." Stephen’s enthusiasm, understanding of the sector and commitment is to be commended.” - Scott Mahon, Founder of Wowbutter, Ontario Canada

“Stephen Minall offers the F Factor to any start up, Friends, Fans, Followers, Fanatics in Food & Foreigners and openly shares his vast network of contacts here in the UK and across the globe, helping SME’s grow” - Roger Bellamy ,Vision Works

Preferential Offer

As an FDReviews partner we offer preferential rates on all levels of business support. We know that no two businesses are the same, and so we work with you to identify the right support package for your products.

Service Standards

You can expect the following support:

  • Dedicated experienced support manager

  • Regular Industry insights

  • Regular communication and action plans

  • Connections to grow your network


  • Offer valid until Dec 31st, 2022

Deal Code:

Quote Deal Code FDR005 to access exclusive FDReviews discount.

Contact Details:

Contact: Stephen Minall


Tel: 07734 454252

Don't forget to quote the FDREVIEWS deal code to get your deal applied.


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